Equalities and Diversity Consultancy

Equalities and Diversity Consultancy

Since 2006 until my retirement at the end of January 2014, I have had a lead role in Equalities and Diversity at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, a large healthcare NHS Trust providing mental and community health and a range of specialist services within London and nearby counties, including prisons.

My experience included:

  • initiating staff networks (disability, black and minority ethnic (BME) and Lesbian, gay bisexual and trans (LGBT).
  • compiling and presenting to the Board a range of reports including:
  • Equality Act Compliance Reports
  • Equality Objectives Reports
  • Equalities and Diversity Monitoring Reports (service users and staff)

Examples of which can be found  at: http://www.cnwl.nhs.uk/about-cnwl/vision-values/equality-and-diversity/documents/

  • Compiling and analysing staff and service user surveys by equalities protected characteristic
  • Developing and delivering training, both classroom based and via e-learning on a range of equalities-related themes
  • Writing policies, guidance and strategies relating to the protected equality characteristics.
  • What I can offer?
  • I can offer you my experience in all of the above areas, in particular providing independent review and analysis of reports and surveys within your organisation. With the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 being placed on public authorities to demonstrate their compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty, I can help you ensure that you are complyingas well as identifying the areas for action you can take to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and promote good relations between people protected under the legislation.

How often do people say that they have no problem with equality and diversity, they treat everyone the same. They miss the point. That is not what it is about. It is about respecting the individual, their differences and their similarities to ourselves.



I don't say much but every now and then something occurs that I just have to comment on!


I often comment on news items on the Guardian newpapers website. Click here to access.