Counselling for Problem Gambling


a person-centred dialogue

Richard Bryant-Jefferies

ISBN 1 85775 740

Counselling and support for people with a gambling problem is a rapidly growing area. This book offers the reader an apportunity to experience the person-centred encounter and appreciate the difficulties associated with problem gambling and betting whilst taking into account the most recent developments within the gambling industry. 'Counselling for Problam Gamblers' also serves to inform the gambling industry and its regulators of possible issues, the effects of the industry's decisions, and associated difficulties.

Trainees and experienced counsellors will find this book invaluable, as will problem gamblers, their friends and familiaes. It will also be a useful resource for government bodies, and policy makes and shapers with an interest in the effects of gambling and betting on society.

'Books on the treatment of problem gamblers have been few and far between expecially when compared to other more traditional addictions. This is why I am delighted that Richard has written this book. Richard has an engaging and very accessible style of writing. Whether you are a treatment practitioner, a reseacrher, scholar or someone with a passing interest in the study of gambling, there is something for everyone in this book. I have never read a book (or journal article) in this area that is so detailed and reflective as this.'Mark Griffiths, Professior of Gambling Studies, Nottingham Trent University

'Richard Bryant-Jefferies has done the counselling and psychotherapy world a great service by producing a book that can sensitise therapists to the sort of issues and dilemmas that problem gamblers face: helping them to create the kind of facilitative environment that will maximise clients' self-exploration. "Counselling for Problem Gamblers" makes a valuable contribution to the psychotherapy and counselling literature.'Mick Cooper, Senior Lecturer in Counselling, Strathclyde University.

Purchase direct from the author (see contact details), from the publisher - CRC Press, or all on-line booksellers including Amazon..

Books published

Counselling the Person Beyond the Alcohol Problem

Living Therapy series

Problem Drinking

Couselling for Problem Gambling

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Women

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Men

Counselling Young People

Relationship Counselling: Sons and their Mothers

Responding to a Serious Mental Health Problem

Counselling for Progressive Disability

Counselling a Recovering Drug User

Counselling a Survivor of Childood Sexual Abuse

Counselling Victions of Warfare

Counselling for Obesity

Counselling Young Binge Drinkers

Counselling for Death and Dying

Time-limited Therapy in Primary Care

Workplace Counselling in the NHS

Person-centred Counselling Supervision

Models of Care for Drug Service Provision

A Little Book of Therapy



Alive and Cutting

The Jigsaw of Life

The Sevenfold Circle: Self Awareness in Dance (with Lynn Frances)