

a  novel by

Richard Bryant-Jefferies

ISBN 0 59544 207 2

Available in printed and e-book formats

Binge! is a novel about therapy. It will take you into the world of the heavy-drinker and the struggle to overcome an ingrained alcohol habit that is rooted in childhood trauma.

Andy is a man troubled by his past. Brought up by an aunt and uncle following the deaths of his parents, he is seeking to address his binge-drinking and the effect it is having on his life. However, he was not the only one affected by the murder he witnessed in childhood. His older brother, Terry, regularly drinks himself into oblivion, and spends much of his time in ‘alcohol blackout’.  It all leads to tragedy, as heavy drinking so often does.

Graham (Andy’s person-centred therapist) is the man destined to share Andy’s emotional and psychological roller-coaster journey. Can he help Andy makes sense of what is happening to him? Can he help him break free of his past, and alcohol’s grip on his present? The characters have a reality that will haunt you and leave you with a deeper understanding of the human struggle to resolve heavy drinking.

Published by iUniverse in the USA, and printed in the USA and the UK

Purchase direct from the author (see contact details), from the publisher at or all on-line booksellers. Available printed and as an e-book.

Books published

Counselling the Person Beyond the Alcohol Problem

Living Therapy series

Problem Drinking

Couselling for Problem Gambling

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Women

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Men

Counselling Young People

Relationship Counselling: Sons and their Mothers

Responding to a Serious Mental Health Problem

Counselling for Progressive Disability

Counselling a Recovering Drug User

Counselling a Survivor of Childood Sexual Abuse

Counselling Victions of Warfare

Counselling for Obesity

Counselling Young Binge Drinkers

Counselling for Death and Dying

Time-limited Therapy in Primary Care

Workplace Counselling in the NHS

Person-centred Counselling Supervision

Models of Care for Drug Service Provision

A Little Book of Therapy



Alive and Cutting

The Jigsaw of Life

The Sevenfold Circle: Self Awareness in Dance (with Lynn Frances)