Alive and Cutting


a novel by

Richard Bryant-Jefferies

ISBN 0 59552 963 1

Available in printed and electronic formats.

Alive and Cutting takes you on a vivid journey into the psychological world of self-harming or self-injuring behaviour.

Katie had a difficult childhood. Neglected and alone she spent much of her time consoling herself as best she could with her doll and teddy bear. Taken into care and fostered, she was then bullied at school. Later in childhood she learned to fight back. Now, aged nineteen, Katie is depressed, binge-drinks and regularly cuts herself, in part to find release from emotional build up, but also to cut her way out of depression and despair.

Katie has referred herself for couselling where she sees Keith, a Youth Counsellor. The therapy process unfolds. From moment to moment Katie’s focus can switch within the sessions, with dramatic memories emerging and being lived out in the therapy room. Katie’s cutting becomes more damaging as she connects more deeply with her past.

You will become a companion on Katie’s journey as she tries to make sense of her past and her present. You will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the emotional and psychological landscape of self-harm.

Published by iUniverse in the USA, and printed in the USA and the UK

Purchase direct from the author (see contact details), from the publisher at or all on-line booksellers. Available printed and as an e-book.

Books published

Counselling the Person Beyond the Alcohol Problem

Living Therapy series

Problem Drinking

Couselling for Problem Gambling

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Women

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Men

Counselling Young People

Relationship Counselling: Sons and their Mothers

Responding to a Serious Mental Health Problem

Counselling for Progressive Disability

Counselling a Recovering Drug User

Counselling a Survivor of Childood Sexual Abuse

Counselling Victions of Warfare

Counselling for Obesity

Counselling Young Binge Drinkers

Counselling for Death and Dying

Time-limited Therapy in Primary Care

Workplace Counselling in the NHS

Person-centred Counselling Supervision

Models of Care for Drug Service Provision

A Little Book of Therapy



Alive and Cutting

The Jigsaw of Life

The Sevenfold Circle: Self Awareness in Dance (with Lynn Frances)